Feb. 5th - March 2, 2014

Jan. 8, 2014 - Feb.2, 2014
Colour and Form Juried Art Show, Nov 2013
Etobicoke Civic Centre
April 10 - May 5, 2013

Coffee Culture Cafe
Starting Sunday, April 7, after 11 am (not at 6:30 am opening!! I may be awake, but that's about all)
9 Queen Street East
in the historic district at the old "four corners"
Sun - Wed 6:30am -11:00pm
Thurs - Sat 6:30am - 12am
Just finished:
November - December 2012
November 2012, Etobicoke
One of my recent acrylics "Cider House I" has been selected for the Colour and Form Open Juried Show's 60th Anniversary Exhibit, to be held at the Etobicoke Civic Centre.Reception Nov. 1, 2012
December 2012, Toronto
Canadian Landmarks
Joseph Carrier Centre (near Yorkdale)
I'll also be holding a series of 3 classes at the Beaux-Arts workshop - Watercolour and Art History for Beginners in January in Brampton, entitled "Watercolour and Art History for Beginners". Link and further info on my "Classes" page.Thanks for your support and interest!